pymetrics + HRD: 3 Trends to Boost Talent Retention and Engagement Today

Ariela Douglas
February 17, 2022

Our first webinar of 2022 dove deep into a topic at the front of every HR person's mind – is our workforce set up to succeed in 2022? In 2021, organizations saw their top talent reassess their priorities both personally and professionally, leading to a record number of open positions. 2022 will require using technology and tools to not only widen the talent pool and decrease bias, but keep those employees happy, productive, and growing.

Curious to learn about the solutions to major pain points in the year ahead? Keep reading to learn the top 3 takeaways backed by results from HRD’s and pymetrics most recent talent survey.


As workers were leaving their jobs in record numbers last year due to “The Great Reset” in favor of more flexible environments, higher salaries, or true passions, companies today understand that developing their talent is the key to retention. That being said, many organizations still struggle with connecting the dots between the intent to retain and actually doing so.

Two major barriers to effective retention are change management and internal fit …this is  where soft skills come into play. Historically, hard skills such as credentials and work experience have been the way individuals are hired and promoted. However, a resume is backwards looking, and employers need to be looking at hiring holistically with retention in mind. Soft skills are elements of an individual's work ethic, personality, and cognitive functions that are not evident on a resume, such as motivations or risk aversion. In other words, people are historically hired on hard skills but stay and grow within a company because it's a soft skills match. Join the two for employee success up front and cutting hiring costs down the line.


As businesses adapt to the new climate of work, the lines of traditional roles and linear promotions are now becoming blurred. For example, someone in project management may find themselves entangled with marketing projects. Someone in marketing may realize their true passion is in sales. Rigidity is a thing of the past, and the top talent of today wants an environment where they can grow. Having the tools to help communicate the value of an employee is the easiest way to reskill and match to new career opportunities. Which leads us to our final topic…

Talent engagement

Regardless of industry, one of the pillars of a successful team is if they feel engaged and supported by their company – but what does engagement mean? In this case, talent engagement means looking at each candidate holistically and understanding their journey within your company. People tend to leave a role or company if they have a lack of support or perceived support, so by leveraging audited AI for a fit-based approach, HR can test how an individual scores among a soft skills test and then incorporate hard skills to engage the right candidates. The risk for an organization to solely rely on the classic self reported data in now and into the future is far too great to ignore.

To learn more about how pymetrics can improve talent engagement, talent mobility and retention within your company, reach out to us here.